Take your attention off yourself; it is a valuable practice

In my early career, I lived in mortal dread of giving a formal presentation. If my nervousness got the better of me, I could make a fool of myself, I thought. And then the worst happened. I was in the middle of a talk when I went blank. I forgot what I had said before … Read more

How having a sense of purpose is key to a positive culture

Leaders say maintaining a positive culture is their highest priority with working from home or in a hybrid model. That is the key finding from my poll about the main challenge leaders face at the moment. Creating a positive culture is not just a feel-good thing, though. Research suggests employee wellbeing is linked with a positive … Read more

Are you setting the tone?

As a leader you set the tone for the way people around you behave. They are modelling your cues far more than you think. Leaders exemplify the culture they want to create; the way we do things around here. Dianne set the tone of valuing her team members. She took an interest in everyone on … Read more