It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top 

There’s an old saying: ‘It’s lonely at the top.’ I hear it all too often. We might feel isolated because it’s hard to know who to trust. We may not know who to confide in because there are so many conflicting, self-centred, agendas crashing into us. It’s common for many of us to have been burned … Read more

Why making and keeping promises is important for reliable results

Steven couldn’t believe his ears when he heard people thought he was slippery and unreliable. He was genuinely trying his best to keep his clients happy by promising to deliver within tight deadlines. But he faced a mountain of work and other challenges outside of his control. Despite his best efforts, deadlines would slip. He … Read more

Acknowledgement and appreciation; the hidden link to company success

One of the best leaders I ever had knew the power of acknowledgement and appreciation. It wasn’t just that he took an interest in his team and said ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ He invited us to take on bigger challenges and step up because he believed in each member of his team. One way he … Read more

Develop leaders to deal with obstacles and set them up to succeed

Greg faced a dilemma in his new CIO role. The business had appointed him because of the value he could provide to the business strategy. But frequent IT network outages completely derailed his initial conversations with senior executives. Business unit clients refused to talk strategy with him because, in their view, his team couldn’t even … Read more

How planning can help you reduce stress

I drove my car to the appointed meeting place early one morning recently to meet my bike riding buddies, only to discover I forgot my bike shoes. You know, the special shoes with the cleats. I couldn’t ride without them. It was frustrating and embarrassing. But it had an even bigger impact on my fellow … Read more