Career planning can make your future bigger than your past

Back in the day, I recall in development review meetings my boss asking, ‘Where do you want to be five years from now?’ Maybe you had a similar experience. It always seemed like a tricky question to answer. Who knew five years earlier I would be where I was now? Like most of us, I … Read more

Gratitude; an antidote for end-of-year madness

End-of-year madness is upon us. It’s that time of the year, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, when we go on a long break. We want to tick all the things off the list that we didn’t have time for all year, before we go on holiday. It seems like there is so much to wrap … Read more

How to shift your focus and end the year happy with your accomplishments

Daniel brought his leadership team together for an end-of-year acknowledgment session, only to find they were despondent about what they had NOT completed. We asked each member of the leadership team, “What are you most proud of having accomplished this year?” They all came up with at least one thing that stood out that they … Read more

Are you making your future bigger than your past?

Col returned to Australia after several years as a senior executive with global businesses operating at the pointy end of digital transformation. He was hoping to find an opportunity that matched his experience and was frustrated with dealing with executive recruiters who wanted to pigeon hole him into roles that did not match his background. … Read more