Expand your leadership if you want to play a bigger game

Catherine landed the biggest deal her business had ever signed. Her global CEO congratulated her in front of the executive leadership team for the impact she had on the company. However, the accolades soon turned to anguish as she confronted the expectations she had created to deliver on the contract. Her confidence sank. Have you … Read more

How outstanding leaders find new depths to their leadership

You may have noticed how you can find new depths to your leadership ability when you confront new challenges. Maybe you were thrown in at the deep end and discovered something you did not know about your leadership capability. Catherine had this experience when she won a new role. She had pitched herself at an … Read more

How learning and growing goes with the territory of being a leader

Faye impressed her prospective employer at interview and won a big new job. But as soon as she started in the new role, she confronted the magnitude of her new challenge. She questioned whether she was capable of delivering on her promise.  Self-help books suggested she should fake it until she made it. However, she … Read more