Is this the year to invest in developing your leadership ability?

In a recent LinkedIn poll I asked people what will motivate them to invest in developing their leadership ability this year? Interestingly over half (52%) of respondents said, ‘Challenge myself.’ Take a look at the poll options and results and see what your response would be.

Poll Question: What will motivate you to develop your leadership ability this year?

✴️ Secure my dream job – 17%

Maybe it is time to go after your dream role. You know the one that challenges and excites you, where you can’t believe you get paid to do it because you love it so much.

✴️ Align my team – 10%

Perhaps you want to multiply your influence and results by aligning your team on a bold new future.

✴️ Influence clients/stakeholders – 21%

Maybe you want to expand your influence with your clients and stakeholders to bring them along with you.

✴️ Challenge myself – 52%

You could be ready to challenge yourself to move outside your comfort zone and make the impact you want to make.

Doing great work

The results indicate that many people are ready to challenge themselves to move outside their comfort zone and do great work.

Michael Bungay Stanier describes three categories of work in Do More Great Work. Stop the Busywork, and Start the Work that Matters.

Bad work. Bad Work is a waste of time, energy, and life.

Good work. Good Work is the familiar, useful, productive work you do—and you likely do it well.

Great work. Great Work is what we all want more of. This is the work that is meaningful to you, that has an impact and makes a difference. It inspires, stretches, and provokes. Great Work is the work that matters.

🙋 What will motivate you to develop your leadership ability this year? 🙋‍♀️

Best regards, Brian