Mark Ingram, Executive Officer, Business for Millennium Development
- Henry Okraglik, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Austhink Software
- Greg Morwood, Head of Technology, International Partnerships Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
- Mark Ingram, Executive Director, Business for Millennium Development
- Tamir Levin, Director, Digital Seed
- James Saretta, Partner, Ernst & Young
- Marissa Di Pasquale, Gadens Lawyers
- Simon Heath, Product Manager, Lochard
- Chris Kakouros, Head of Technology – Asia-Pacific Technology, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
- Michael Lynch, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Business Volunteers
- Stephen Trainor, Director, CriticalVUE Solutions
- Brian Donovan, Director, Donovan Leadership
- Stuart Hartley, Partner, Ernst & Young
- Silvio Salom, Chairman Gramercy, Ventures
- Craig McGrath, Business Development Manager, LynxIT
- Gerry Moriarty, Chairman, Macquarie Communications Infrastructure Fund
- Franklin Rozario, Business Project Director, National Australia Bank
- Ann Gallon, Director, Piece of Mind
- Geoff Avard, General Manager Strategy, Sensis
- Assoc. Prof. Judy McKay, Academic Leader – Information Systems Faculty of Information & Communication Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology
- Barry Borzillo, CEO, Tenix Solutions
- Martin Glenister, Sales Manager, Uecomm
- Gwen Casey, IT Planning & Support Services Manager Deputy Chief Information Officer, Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd
- Robin Bowerman, Head of Retail, Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd
- Denis McGee, GM Technology, Asia National Australia Bank
- Graham Gourley, Director, Niche People
- Allison Shevlin, Senior HR Manager Sensis
- Danny Porter, Account Director, SMS Management and Technology
- Mike Lawrey, Executive Director, Network Services Telstra
- John Brooks, Sales Manager, Uecomm
- Chris Stevens, Principal, Chief Information Officer – Asia-Pacific, Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd
- Jacqui Cincotta, Head of Investor Services, Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd
- Michael Mansfield