Why you need to prioritise a development plan in 2024

When my mother was a young girl, a well-meaning relative threw her into deep water to teach her to swim. Instead, she nearly drowned. She had a lifelong fear of the water and swimming because of the experience. It was common practice decades ago to throw children in the deep end. They’ll sink or swim, … Read more

Gratitude; an antidote for end-of-year madness

End-of-year madness is upon us. It’s that time of the year, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, when we go on a long break. We want to tick all the things off the list that we didn’t have time for all year, before we go on holiday. It seems like there is so much to wrap … Read more

The impact of mentors: A two-way street for leadership development

When Karen reflects on her three-decade-long career, she recognises a common thread woven through her success story: the unwavering support and belief of mentors who guided her journey. Like most of us, Karen had people who believed in her at key points in her career, more than she believed in herself at that time. A … Read more

How outstanding leaders keep their eyes on the prize

In “Off Balance on Purpose”, Dan Thurmon explains that an experienced tightrope walker keeps their head up, with their eyes on the prize, which is the platform in front of them. And while it may look like they are perfectly balanced, there is never a moment when they are at rest; lifting their free leg, … Read more

Influential U Podcast; Play In A Bigger Environment

It was an honour to be a guest on Influential U’s podcast hosted by the multi talented Josh Damigo. The episode, ‘Transformative Leadership’ is now available on all major podcast platforms for you to enjoy. Josh turned our interview into a great conversation about what I have learned from studying with Influential U and how … Read more