Are you future proofing yourself?

Helen has a great ability to connect with people. She is interested in their lives and they enjoy being around her. In one-on-one meetings, people warm to her authenticity and good humour. But in large group presentations she was often overcome with fear. She really wanted to be able to take her friendly demeanour into … Read more

How do you show up?

When Joseph Tawadros came on stage at his concert last week, he took a moment to wordlessly be with the audience. He then played a single perfect note on his Oud that reverberated around the Melbourne Recital Centre. He showed up ready to go, with the intention to give us, the audience, the value we … Read more

Are you focused on the endgame?

It’s all too easy to lose sight of the endgame when there are so many distractions. That is a key takeaway from a presentation by Dr Rick Watson, from the University of Georgia, at a leadership roundtable in Melbourne. In his book, Capital, Systems, and Objects, he argues that the endgame for organisations of all … Read more

Are you being a multi-dimensional leader?

Leadership is ultimately creative. If you are changing the game in some way, taking people somewhere new, then you are doing something that has not been done before. You may have a combination of past experience and your own leadership style that guides you, but you need to put together your unique behaviours, ideas and … Read more

What could you do differently to take your leadership to a new level?

Greg did a great job aligning his team on a bold new future. Now they needed to step up their leadership to deliver on their promise. First Greg wanted to start doing things differently so that he could be a role model for his team as someone who was willing to step up his own … Read more